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Medium roast 50% Brazilian 50% Colombian seasonally selected speciality grade coffees. We've switched up our White Peak Espresso Blend for 2024! Still tons of delicious hazelnut & cacao nibs & a super solid body but now enjoy new flavour highlights of cherry, vanilla & peach. Complex acidity, sweet on the finish. This could be your new go to everyday drinker. Great taste 2024 winner.



WHITE PEAK - Espresso Blend

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    Country: Brazil

    Farm: Multiple producers organised into cooperatives from Cerrado

    SCA: 83+

    Region: Cerrado

    Altitude: 900 - 1.250 masl

    Roast: Medium

    Varieties: Mundo Novo, Catuai, Bourbon

    Process: Natural

    Country: Colombia

    Farm: Small holdings using the San Jose mill in Neiva

    SCA: 83+

    Region: Huila

    Altitude: 1,520–1650 masl

    Roast: Medium

    Varieties: Caturra, Typica

    Process: Washed, sun dried

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